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Diabetes from A to Z

muesli bars, or fruit juice are good examples. Energy balance The energy balance is the ratio between energy use and energy intake. The energy balance is positive when the energy intake is greater than the [...] After the growth phase is complete, a positive energy balance leads to weight gain. Weight loss is only possible with a negative energy balance, i.e., when energy intake is less than energy use. Empagliflozin [...] basal insulins . Dextrose See glucose . Diabetes insipidus This is a disorder of the body’s water balance with unnatural levels of urine production (between 5 and 20 liters per day). The disease is accompanied

How do I eat well?

products, and fish are also part of a healthy varied diet, although in smaller amounts. A healthy, balanced diet can help improve performance, well-being, and overall contentment. Furthermore, a conscious [...] vessels, heart attack, or type 2 diabetes . The German Nutrition Society explains how to implement a balanced and wholesome diet in their 10 guidelines . Find out more in the following gallery. Enjoy food diversity [...] portion of fruit. Ideally, buy seasonal and regional fruit and vegetables. This is good for your bank balance and for the environment. Deep-frozen vegetables without additives can also be used. Sources: Bun

The diagnosis of type 2 diabetes

several ways to manage type 2 diabetes. Often, lifestyle adjustments are sufficient initially. With a balanced diet , regular exercise , and possibly weight loss, blood sugar can be lowered, and health consequences [...] the course of the disease. For example, gather information from about the disease , a balanced diet, and treatment options. Also, do not hesitate to address your treating physician directly if [...] groups, can help accept the condition and answer emerging questions early on. Talk to your doctor! A balanced diet and sufficient exercise form the basic therapy for type 2 diabetes. In Germany, individuals

Type 2 diabetes: Nutrition

especially true for overweight people with type 2 diabetes: They benefit especially from a more balanced diet and more physical activity through the accompanying weight loss and increased fitness levels [...] What about alcohol? Who can help me with my dietary adjustment? 1. Why is nutrition so important? A balanced diet provides the body with essential energy and nutrients. It also increases well-being and quality [...] activity are often sufficient for treatment without the need for antidiabetic drugs. By eating a balanced and varied diet, people with type 2 diabetes can help reduce the risk of other accompanying diseases

How is gestational diabetes treated?

may be helpful here. This ensures that the diet contains everything the mother and child need. A balanced diet and exercise also help to prevent excess weight gain or overweight during pregnancy. © B. [...] based on your personal habits. Nutrition during gestational diabetes is not a diet, but rather balanced and nutritious food. The recommendations are based on healthy nutrition during pregnancy. What is [...] such as chocolate, cookies or cake contain a relatively high proportion of fat alongside sugar. A balanced diet and exercise – even a 30-minute brisk walk helps – also help reduce excess weight in pregnancy

What is obesity?

help prevent weight gain and obesity. Lifestyle in particular plays a crucial role: Try to have a balanced and fiber-rich diet. Avoid energy-rich food containing unhealthy fats and added sugars. For example [...] and integrate physical activity into everyday life. Good to know: Helpful tips for a healthy and balanced lifestyle can be found by clicking on the menu items " What can I do? " and " How do I motivate [...] to ensure that the body continues to receive all the essential nutrients. Find out more about a balanced diet! Exercise Physical activity leads to increased energy consumption and prevents loss of muscle

Healthy weight loss! Here’s how

long term . Of course, a few little exceptions here and there are allowed. Find out here what a balanced diet looks like! What is the daily individual energy requirement? This depends, among other things [...] keep you full for longer and contain more nutrients than white-flour products. Eat a varied and balanced diet. Utilize and enjoy a wide variety of fresh foods, give preference to plants-based foods, and [...] tracks. Reducing the speed means: Slow weight loss and permanent lifestyle changes. This requires a balanced diet plan that suits your individual preferences and that can be adhered to in the long term. Regular

Preventing complications

yourself and your body and lead a healthy lifestyle. Be good to yourself! Balanced diet Make sure your diet is varied and balanced. You should make space in your diet for plenty of high fiber foods such

Gestational diabetes

pregnancy. It then often disappears after pregnancy. Pregnancy changes the mother's metabolic hormone balance . This can affect blood glucose metabolism: the mother's blood glucose levels rise persistently above

How does gestational diabetes develop?

physiological insulin resistance . This happens in every pregnant woman. Normally the mother’s body balances this out by increasing insulin production. However, in gestational diabetes this process is impaired [...] should try to maintain a normal weight before they become pregnant. If insulin resistance can not be balanced out by the body during pregnancy by increasing insulin production, blood glucose levels rise – this

What can I do?

small changes in lifestyle can take the strain off your glucose metabolism . What you can do : A balanced, healthy diet with plenty of fresh ingredients and only a small amount of meat products is just

What are the consequences of gestational diabetes for the

delayed or even avoided altogether by leading a healthy lifestyle. The following are important: A balanced diet Ideally plenty of exercise Maintaining a normal weight Ideally, lifestyle should be changed [...] of the child. After the birth the woman should have regular blood glucose tests. Good to know: A balanced diet, appropriate exercise during pregnancy and breastfeeding after the birth improve blood glucose

Nutrition and type 1 diabetes

or special types of food. Diabetes-appropriate nutrition corresponds to an individually tailored, balanced, and wholesome mixed diet. People with diabetes should organize their mealtimes to fit into their [...] enjoyment of eating is not lost. How do I eat correctly? The diet for type 1 diabetes should always be balanced and varied and include nutrient-rich, low-processed foods with high levels of fiber. High-energy [...] is especially suited to people with diabetes in the long term. Why is nutrition so important? A balanced diet provides the body with essential energy and nutrients and increases quality of life. Vitamins

What is type 2 diabetes?

Is type 2 diabetes curable? The basis of type 2 diabetes therapy is a lifestyle change towards a balanced diet and regular physical activity. Often, small changes are sufficient to lower blood sugar levels [...] lifestyle changes are usually sufficient to alleviate the metabolism. These include, for example: A balanced and healthy diet Regular exercise Avoiding stress Abstaining from tobacco and alcohol If necessary

What about alcohol?

reduction in blood sugar level. Drinking at mealtimes means that the effects can be relatively well balanced out; however, drinking without even eating a snack can increase the risk of low blood sugar levels

Diabetes and sexual dysfunction disorders

disorders. Diabetes therapy is also an important factor, for example, better blood sugar management, a balanced diet, regular physical activity, or weight loss. In many cases, a psychotherapeutic adjunctive therapy [...] should be paid to blood pressure and blood fat levels. Lifestyle adjustment with weight control and a balanced, healthy diet, as well as adequate exercise, also have a beneficial effect on sexual function. For

Diabetes and Fatty Liver

into your daily routine. Try to avoid alcoholic drinks as much as possible and make sure to have a balanced and fiber-rich diet. Highly energy-rich foods with unhealthy fats and sugars, such as soft drinks [...] Weight loss of 10 percent can even reverse non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. According to studies, a balanced diet and regular physical activity have very positive effects on the progression of non-alcoholic

Type 2 diabetes: Causes and development

of developing type 2 diabetes, lifestyle adjustments can often help counteract it. A healthy and balanced diet, along with regular exercise, can prevent or at least delay the development of type 2 diabetes [...] prevent the development of type 2 diabetes through measures such as regular exercise, a healthy and balanced diet, and weight loss. Learn more about prediabetes on our "Preventing Diabetes" portal . What is

What is gestational diabetes?

diabetes? Scientific support: PD Dr. Sandra Hummel Pregnancy changes a woman's metabolic hormone balance. This can affect her metabolism and drive up her blood glucose levels. If these persistently go beyond

Diabetes in old age

occur at an advanced age if those affected eat too little and therefore absorb too few nutrients. A balanced diet is important. If necessary, a diet plan should be drawn up with the attending physician. Skin [...] disease. Special attention should therefore also be paid to oral health. Danger of Falling Limited balance, diminished vision and a reduced ability to react – especially in the case of low blood sugar levels

What is my risk of developing type 2 diabetes?

Lifestyle plays an important role: the risk of type 2 diabetes can be significantly reduced by eating a balanced diet, getting plenty of exercise, giving up smoking and, if necessary, losing weight. You can find

Prediabetes – The precursor to type 2 diabetes

advisable to avoid sharp spikes. Tip 1: For elevated blood sugar levels, consider a well-rounded, balanced diet. Include vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and fruits in your diet. These foods [...] vegetables like potatoes, sweets, sugar-sweetened drinks, honey, and jam. Tip 3: Make sure you eat balanced meals with carbohydrates, healthy fats and proteins . When carbohydrates are consumed with protein-

Heat and diabetes

increase in the required fluid intake. Poor blood sugar control can compound this problem. The water balance in the body becomes increasingly out of sync. This can result in metabolic imbalances and functional

Genetic risk factors for type 2 diabetes

your risk of developing type 2 diabetes: Lose weight if overweight (especially abdominal fat) Eat a balanced and varied diet Have an active lifestyle with sufficient and regular physical activity Good to know:

Diabetes and Ramadan

person with diabetes. Severely high blood sugar levels can be the result. Therefore, a healthy and balanced diet should also be aimed at during the fasting period. In the morning (suhur), complex carbohydrates