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Preventing Diabetes: An Overview

changes can often prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. The basis for a healthy lifestyle is a balanced and healthy diet and regular physical activity. Start with small steps! For example, try to eat

Diabetes and eyes

active (physical activity promotes blood circulation in the eyes and has anti-inflammatory effects) A balanced and healthy diet (so that the eyes receive sufficient vitamins and nutrients) Good to know: Quitting

Sustainable and healthy living

or grown in a heated greenhouse is particularly sustainable. Find out more about what a healthy, balanced, mixed diet looks like here . Did you know? The CO 2 footprint of meals can differ greatly when

Insulin therapy for diabetes

crucial to eat meals with a certain amount of carbohydrates throughout the day. Physical activity is balanced out by eating additional meals. Conventional insulin therapy can be suitable for people with a very

Exercise and type 2 diabetes

twice a week . Such program should target all the major muscle groups. For people 65 and older, balance and coordination exercises are also recommended in order to prevent falls. Good to know: Especially

Hospital stays and rehabilitation for diabetes

insulin infusions, the circulation is stabilized with fluids and electrolytes, and the acid-base balance of the blood is normalized. Most complications occur primarily in people with type 1 diabetes . Good

Diabetic nephropathy: How diabetes affects the kidneys

kidney damage: Try to be more active in everyday life and get enough exercise. Make sure you eat a balanced and fiber-rich diet. Try to keep your salt intake as low as possible and avoid energy-rich foods

Cardiovascular disease associated with diabetes

A healthy lifestyle is essential: Don’t smoke. Try to avoid alcohol as much as possible. Eat a balanced diet. Eat a lot of fruit, vegetables, and wholewheat products. Avoid animal fats. Exercise regularly

What about tobacco?

to an initial increase in weight . Counteract this with plenty of exercise in the fresh air and a balanced diet . If you do gain weight, don’t be too hard on yourself and make absolutely sure you stick to

Diabetic neuropathy and polyneuropathy

to avoid alcohol as much as possible, since alcohol can also cause neuropathic disorders. Eat a balanced diet and maintain an overview of the nutrients contained in your foods and drinks. Regular physical

How does diabetes affect fertility and pregnancy?

this phase, which can affect potency. This can be counteracted with a healthy lifestyle, i.e., a balanced diet and sufficient physical activity. Find out more about sexual dysfunction disorders here! 2

Diabetes and cancer

risk factor for breast cancer. At the same time, other hormones and messenger substances get out of balance more frequently in the case of obesity. These include adipokines and estrogen as well as cytokines